No, your bathtub isn’t overflowing – so why is there water in your home? After a quick look around, you’ve figured out that it’s coming from your AC unit, but you have no idea why. Since these pieces of machinery are out of sight, for the most part, we don’t get an up-close view of its constant operation.
So, it’s sometimes difficult to determine why your AC is leaking water. To help make sense of this puzzling issue, we’ve identified the major reasons why this is happening and how to proceed once you find out. Regardless of the causes, though, American Air, Plumbing, and Electrical is here to help!

First: Turn it Off

As soon as you notice that your AC is leaking water, shut the unit off to prevent any further issues. If you leave it on, the leak is only going to get worse, so go ahead and cut the power while you try to make sense of it.

Where is it Leaking?

Your AC pulls in moisture from the warm air flowing through your system, and the refrigerant inside the unit itself cools the air before funneling it through the rest of the unit. Over time, that moisture continues to collect, and it falls into something called a drip pan.

From there, it goes through a condensate line, which dumps this moisture outside your home. Throughout this journey, there are a few points where the water could leak.

Faulty Drain Pan

Drain pans provide one of the more common places where water could leak. If your drain pan hasn’t been changed out, holes or leaks can appear as the water steadily drips over time.

This is something a professional can exchange quite easily, but we don’t recommend trying it yourself unless you’ve had experience.

Clogged Drain Line

The condensation, as we mentioned earlier, travels through a condensate drain line until it gets dumped outside. As with any piping or tube, leaks can happen if something gets jarred loose.

It can also get clogged. The water it takes might be filled with dirt, bacteria, or other compounds that build up inside the pipes and create obstructions. Too much of this will lead to a backup of water, which will have nowhere to go except through holes or gaps in the line.

Frozen Condensation

If your AC’s air filter hasn’t been changed, or if the refrigerant is leaking, then your evaporator coils may freeze. After they thaw, the frozen water will drip all at once.

You may be able to clean the coils yourself to prevent this from happening if that’s what’s causing the issue. Otherwise, you’ll need to replace them, and that’s best left to a professional

A leaky AC is no fun for anyone. It’s aggravating and usually makes you want to rip your hair out, but that’s what we’re here for. American Air, Plumbing, and Electrical will help get your leaky AC stopped up in no time, and it’ll be good as new before you know it.

Give us a call at (407) 512-9337 to speak with one of our trained team members today for more information!

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