Your dishwasher is your best kitchen staff member but what happens when your dishwasher won’t drain. Here’s some troubleshooting tips.

If your dishwasher isn’t draining or if there is an inch or more of water consistently standing at the bottom of the tub, there’s a good chance it is clogged. A clogged dishwasher can mean a smelly dishwasher.

Here are some signs your dishwasher is clogged:

  • Gurgling noise from the unit while it is cycling
  • Dishes that are still dirty after a cycle
  • Standing water in the basin
  • Water backing up into the sink
  • Slow draining after cycle

Here is how you can troubleshoot a clogged dishwasher:

Step One

Empty your dishwasher of dishes or cutlery.

Step Two

Remove any standing water so you can more easily get to the root of the issue. You can use a cup and some towels or even a wet/dry vac if there is enough water to require that level of drying.

Step Three

Your dishwasher includes a filter on the basin of the unit that traps food and other debris before the water drains out of the appliance. Find and remove that filter which can usually be done by hand but in some cases requires a screwdriver.

A clogged filter likely is covered in scum or food particles. Run the filter under the faucet and use a soft brush to gently scrub off the debris. Replace the clean filter carefully making sure it is screwed in properly.

Step Four

Check your garbage disposal for a clog. Dishwashers typically drain through the garbage disposal and a clog could be impeding your dishwasher from draining.

Step Five

Other components of your dishwasher such as the drain hose and drain pump can also become clogged with bits of food or other debris. Turning off the appliance and removing the drain pump can help to resolve the clog. Similarly check your appliance’s drain hose which connects the dishwasher to the garbage disposal for proper installation and blockages. If you are not comfortable, this step might best be handled by a trained technician.

If your troubleshooting still does not clear the clog, don’t attempt to use a commercial chemical cleaner to unclog the appliance. It can damage your dishwasher’s components. Regular maintenance such as cleaning the dishwasher filter and addressing clogs immediately can help your dishwasher run smoothly.

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