When your furnace starts having problems, you’ll likely wonder whether it should be repaired or replaced. Some problems can be solved with minimal cost and effort, while others might be serious enough to require a complete replacement. While you should consult a competent professional who can help you to make the right decision regarding your furnace, the following are some factors you must consider.

When Repair Is Best

Your HVAC technician can often fix your furnace and save you money on a replacement. A qualified technician will diagnose the problem and tell you if a repair is the best option. Here are some situations where repairing your furnace might be preferable to replacing it entirely:

Your Furnace Is Relatively New

Furnaces tend to be reliable for roughly a decade. So, if your system is younger than 10 years old and malfunctions, repairing it is often the most cost-effective option. Since newer furnaces have fewer overall problems, a breakdown within this timeframe is likely a one-time issue. Additionally, repairs on younger systems are less likely to signal underlying chronic problems compared to those needed on older ones.

Repairs Will Cost Less Than Half of the Cost of Replacement

A common rule of thumb is that repairs are often preferable if the cost is less than half the price of a new furnace. This signifies a potentially good return on investment for the repair compared to the upfront cost of replacement.

The Furnace’s Problem Is Cheap and Easy to Fix

Not all problems are complicated and difficult. If you’re fortunate, your furnace will require minor repairs that a competent technician can easily make in a day or so. There’s no reason to replace a relatively young system that doesn’t require tough repairs.

Your Furnace Rarely Has Problems

A furnace that hasn’t broken down in a while is probably not yet ready to be replaced. If you’ve had maintenance checks performed on your system regularly and it rarely gives you problems, then you’ll likely benefit from its warmth for years to come.

You’ll Soon Be Listing Your Home on the Market

If you’re preparing to sell your home, then you might not want to invest in a new furnace. Since you won’t be able to enjoy the benefits of a new system, you might be better off letting the new owners of your home choose the right furnace for themselves. You should still have a professional examine your furnace to make sure it’s in proper working order before listing your home, however.

Your Energy Bill Has Increased Slightly

If you’ve noticed the amount of money that you typically pay for energy edging up over the past few months, then you may need to have your furnace inspected. Higher energy costs are often a sign of a problem that needs to be fixed. If the issue with your system has only led to a slight increase in cost, then it’s probably a problem that your technician can repair relatively easily.

When Replacement Is Best

While repairs are often recommended for younger furnaces, there are situations where replacement becomes the better option. These systems do not last forever and begin to fail over time. Here are some reasons a technician might advise replacing your furnace.

Your Furnace Is Over 15 Years Old

Many of the components in your furnace have lifespans of roughly 15 years, so if one part fails at that time, then others will likely follow. The last thing you want to experience with your furnace is an endless parade of breakdowns and temporary fixes. Replacing your system may seem expensive in the short term, but it will likely be more economical in the long term.

You Want to Be Proactive

Even if your old furnace is not yet malfunctioning, you might want to replace it after it reaches the 15-year mark. If you have a new furnace installed before the old one breaks, then you won’t have to worry about sudden failures, which can be quite distressing in the dead of winter when temperatures are at their lowest.

Repairs Will Be Too Expensive

When repair costs approach or exceed half the price of a new furnace, replacement becomes a more strategic choice. While a repair might seem cheaper upfront, extensive repairs on an aging system can be a temporary fix before a full replacement becomes inevitable. Investing in a new furnace provides a longer lifespan, improved efficiency (potentially leading to lower energy bills) and a warranty for added peace of mind.

Repairs Would Be Too Complicated

Some furnaces can be fixed, but a technician may tell you that repairs would be too complicated to complete in a timely and economical manner. It does not make sense to waste a bunch of time and man-hours on a painstaking repair job when you could have a new furnace installed more quickly. It will also be cheaper overall.

Your Furnace Breaks Down Frequently

A furnace that breaks down regularly is likely nearing the end of its life. If your system has required numerous visits from your HVAC technician in the recent past, then you may want to consider having it replaced because the situation is only going to get worse. If your furnace has already required numerous fixes, then it’s likely to need many more repairs in the future.

Your Furnace Is Emitting Carbon Monoxide

If your burner flame has turned yellow or if you’ve noticed rusting on your pipes or vents, then your system might be venting carbon monoxide into your home. Carbon monoxide is extremely dangerous, so you need to evacuate your home before getting in touch with your contractor. A new furnace will be able to heat your home without poisoning you with the “silent killer.”

You Want to Add Value to Your Home

Prospective buyers of your home would likely find a brand-new furnace to be an appealing addition to your property. If your system is old and worn, then some potential home buyers might be wary of purchasing a home that will need such an expensive replacement in the near future. Installing a new furnace in your home before listing it will increase its value.

Your Furnace Is Making Strange Noises

If your furnace is making loud banging, rattling, or popping noises, then it might need to be replaced. These types of noises are often signs that your furnace is nearing the end of its life.

Your Home Is Being Unevenly Heated

Old furnaces often fail to distribute heat evenly to your entire home. If you routinely notice that you have hot or cold spots in your home, then you might want to consider a replacement.

Your Energy Bill Has Increased Significantly

A sharp, sudden increase in your energy expenses can be a sign that your furnace is almost ready to break for good. While repairs may still be possible in this scenario, they often can’t keep your system from failing altogether. A new furnace will be more energy-efficient than your current model due to technological advancements and a lack of wear and tear.

Furnace Repair and Replacement in Sanford, FL

Serving the people of Sanford and Central Florida since 1986, American Air, Plumbing, and Electrical is your one-stop shop for all your home comfort needs. Our certified technicians can diagnose, repair, replace and maintain your furnace, air conditioner or heat pump to ensure optimal performance and year-round comfort. We also understand the importance of preventative maintenance in extending the lifespan of your HVAC system and saving you money on energy bills. Looking beyond your HVAC needs, American Air, Plumbing, and Electrical offers a comprehensive range of services including drain cleaning, sewer repairs, water heater installation and even electrical repairs all under one roof for your convenience. Contact American Air, Plumbing, and Electrical today for a free consultation and experience the total home comfort you deserve.

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