I think all of us should properly maintain and regularly service the large investments we make in our life. Purchases such as your home, automobiles, boats, pools, etc would fall into this category. However, do you think of your air conditioning and heating system as a major investment that requires regular maintenance and/or service? If not, consider the fact that it may be one of the top 5 investments a homeowner will make in their lifetime. Most homeowners run their Air Conditioning and Heating systems 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year.

Most homeowners have their automobiles tuned up or regularly serviced. It only makes sense to periodically rotate your tires, check your air pressure, inspect your air filter, and replace your oil and spark plugs. Monitoring and maintaining these things only help to make certain the vehicle is efficient and reliable.

Getting a tune-up on your air conditioning and heating system by a service professional at American Air, Plumbing, and Electrical will also ensure its reliability as well as improve your system’s efficiency, thus reducing your monthly energy bills.
At American Air, Plumbing, and Electrical, we recommend all homeowners have their air conditioning and heating system inspected and serviced annually by one of our professionally certified and factory-trained service technicians.

When is the Best Time of the Year to Get My Unit Tuned-up?
Now. Early in the Spring, before it gets too hot, is one of the best times of the year to get your air conditioning unit serviced. If you’re a/c unit is not operating at its optimum performance waiting too long could cause your energy bill to dramatically increase.

Learn more about our Annual Energy Savings Service Agreements

If you are in the need of a Spring tune-up please contact us at (407) 512-9337.

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